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Team Bogey in Microcosm...Vet Visit
While weighing decisions as to how much longer to keep feeding the "yard ornament" known as our horse, we had the veterinarian come to give him his...
12/18/2010 12:01 pm
Don't Look Now...Epilogue
Well, did you tune in to take a peek to see if Tiger completed his comeback today? Or were you like the guys in the parking lot of the football stadium, beating the traffic home;  until...
12/05/2010 4:55 pm
Don't Look Now, But Someone's Trying To Win Himself A Keep Battlin' Tee Shirt!
That's right, maybe it's the weather, the fresh air, or the fresh start, but Tiger Woods may have picked himself up, dusted himself off, and come to the realization...
12/04/2010 5:37 pm